Happiness and Misadventures

Good Company

Every time I write about the recent months, I have to admit that one of the best things happened to me is to have known a 97-years-old man. Since he lives in the house next door, and he is alone, I go visit him almost every day.

I’ve always had a great compassion for elderly people, especially if they are alone. Overall, if they are widows, I feel sorry for them. When I was a kid, I often spent afternoons with my grandparents, who lived near us, to not let them alone. Nowadays, I feel the same for this person not related to me.

We currently live in this little hamlet of about ten people, maybe twenty during the summer. This man used to have many friends his own age around here, that have passed away. He’s the only one left. His wife has passed away too, maybe ten years ago, from what I understood. I think he’s enormously strong for not giving up: he’s lucid, he knows what exercises to do to avoid several aches, he always has good advices… He just needs some company.

I have a soft spot for these situations. And when I think that he’s not the only one in this situation at all… I feel guilty in some way. We should do something to not let old people alone. Luckily, technologies as video calls help a lot, but… the human touch is irreplaceable.

🎮 Nothing

🎧 Porcupine Tree

📖 Still with Stories of Your Life, exquisite for now

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