Happiness and Misadventures

Growing Vegetables and Friendships

This year, our almost-centenarian neighbor allowed us to grow our vegetable garden right next to his one, a few meters from our temporary home. It meant so much to me! First, it is way handier than last year, when we made it in our future terrain. Every day or two, I had to go there by car and let the water slowly flow to the plants with a drip system. There were gazillions of mosquitoes.1

Overall, though, I really appreciated the gesture because it meant that our neighbor… grew fond to us! Almost every day, I still spend an hour with him to keep him company. Now, in summer months, his grandchildren visit him much more often than in cold months, but he always smiles when he sees us.

A few months ago, we planted the tomatoes, zucchini, green chilies, and some salad. He immediately gave us some suggestions, and still today, still asks how are our plants. When he goes to the garden, each morning (remember that he’s 97-years-old!), he compliments with us on how well the tomatoes are growing.

I’m also glad that, in the last few weeks, he also got to know my father, who helped to fix his lawn mower. They both love meeting new (and good) people, and this was a fortuitous event.

During the last year, spent in this small village, I had the confirmation that growing friendships, even unusual ones, is just priceless.

A close up of a flower of a pumpkin plant
A bonus pumpkin plant in the vegetable garden, survived from last year!

🎮 🫥

🎧 Sacri Monti

📖 Still The Dark Forest, which is getting much better!

  1. Honestly, that was the occasion when I started listening to podcasts. There were also some upsides. ↩︎

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