Time for Us
This year started on a personal rush where I wanted to try to optimize time and productivity. All good for now, I already wrote a couple of short stories with decent outcomes (didn’t I?). What I have to focus on, in the next weeks, is the time spent for (and with) my partner.
Now, it is a little absurd, but to put it simple: she doesn’t like me writing. I can understand that: when I’m doing that, I am in my own world, and of course I don’t want to be distracted. Since I work from home, every day is plenty of distractions: pets, neighbors, housework,… Just to mention some. Often, I have to work before or after the “contract-based hours” to catch up what I left behind during the day. Sometimes I’d want to tell here to pretend that I’m not there from 9AM to 6PM. But I know that is not fair.
In the evening, for the last year and half, I have the pledge (partner approved ✅) to keep company to my almost-centenarian neighbor. The remaining hours of the day that my girlfriend and I spend together… are not many. We live in the same house, often in the same room… But I feel I need some space, or time, for myself.
So, here is one big (first world) problem: manage the time for us. This morning, she clearly said to me: “I shouldn’t tell that, but I don’t like when you write.” As a temporary solution, I proposed her to write in the working hours, and she accepted, even though not satisfied.
That would mean to cut out time from a task and the other during work… But I guess it can be done. Not all days, of course. And the main problem that occurs to me is the thousands of possible distractions: emails, phone calls… It is true that there’s the “Do not disturb” mode on every device I use, but it is not the best.
That’s where the Pomodoro technique could be handy. We’ll see how it goes. 🤞🍅
Then, after we’ll move in the new house, hopefully things will change a bit along with our patterns. About that, here is a sneak peek of how it’s coming along!
🎮 We finished It Takes Two, and we loved it!
🎧 I’m still catching up all the albums by Mastodon… So great!
📖 Stil the same
This year started on a personal rush where I wanted to try to optimize time and productivity. All good for now, I already wrote a couple of short stories with decent outcomes (didn’t I?). What I have to focus on, in the next weeks, is the time spent for (and with) my partner.
Now, it is a little absurd, but to put it simple: she doesn’t like me writing. I can understand that: when I’m doing that, I am in my own world, and of course I don’t want to be distracted. Since I work from home, every day is plenty of distractions: pets, neighbors, housework,… Just to mention some. Often, I have to work before or after the “contract-based hours” to catch up what I left behind during the day. Sometimes I’d want to tell here to pretend that I’m not there from 9AM to 6PM. But I know that is not fair.